I resonate so much with what you have shared Here Yelena!

The etymology of Crown IS “a symbol of Sovereignty.”

Therefore, I alWays say to myself and my Sisters — BE His symbol of Sovereignty. 

That IS,

BE His INspiration. BE His encouragement. BE His INvitation. INvest Your Faith IN Him. Affirm Him IN His MasculINity, by contINuINg to affirm yourSelf IN your FemININity.

This IS how you CROWN HIM KING. ThIS IS when He can claim His rightful throne, pole and role as PROVIDER AND PROTECTOR of you and your Family System.

Know that God Will take care of the rest!

THere IS so much multiplication IN submission as you said. So much enLivenment, so much thrival. A Truly Fruit-BEarINg collaboration.

God Bless you!

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Wise words! Amen!

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