Thank you so much for sharing this! I love reading your posts! Yes - not all lives are influence worthy - but they are our lives personal and beautiful and so precious!!!

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Yes! But also I do think that every life does have influence - especially as women in our homes - that's truly one of the most major ways we have influence - I just don't think we always categorize it that way.

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Agreed 100% - I meant like posting it on instagram- the pretty authentic photos where all the lights are perfectly aligned and there’s a beautiful storyline behind the photos where others will say ‘wow, I want that’ :)

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Yes! Probably the majority of people's lives though - but sometimes we're fooled into thinking that most people lives are instagram worthy, when they really aren't. And even those who do share everything on Instagram - it's rarely as "perfect" as they portray it to be.

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I am pretty sure no one would follow Elisabeth Elliott's instagram with her account in_the_jungle, or Sabina Wurmbrand in prison, unwashed, lice etc. 😊 I also had an ideal life I wanted to have and it seems this lady is trying to portray it and maybe achieve that. My life is not what I imagined but I cannot post on Instagram. I cannot post the joy, peace, the presence of God. It will become a carved idol.

I wanted what these ladies have until I heard a podcast that this instagram thing is not true.

We are so so wordly in thinking... Why don't we celebrate missionaries, people who were persecuted, people who go to the end of the world to bring the gospel in cold conditions, maybe without much food.

Is that an achievement? A beauty peagant? Who do we praise for that, God or the woman?

I am sorry. I also compare myself to other women and wish I looked better, until God comes to show me the pride in my heart.

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that is true - often a lot of of good work goes unseen because it isn't "Instagram worthy" or doesn't have the pretty aesthetic or platform to get attention, but God sees and His opinion and notice is the only one that counts <3

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